Musings Of Creativity
June 8, 2020
Journey Of An Artist - We Are All Creative
Everyone had a box of crayons when we were kids.
I loved crayons, coloring books, paint by number. As kids that was the beginning of finding your creative side. Everyone is creative and talented in some way whether they know it or not. Some eventually figure out there is this itch in the back of their minds that is hanging, sitting, comes and goes in your life until finally at some point its there and doesn't go away. I love art and drawing, painting, or whatever way I can show my creative side and somehow got me hook many years ago. Maybe it began with that itch in you beyond the crayons and wild imagination as a child. To find and keep your creativity in every part of your life can be very easy at times for me as an artist but some days you wonder.
When you ask most adults many will say they have no creativity. Its incredible to think many people feel that way. When you are young, you are fearless and ready to take on the world with our imaginations. As young children our creative minds were exploding, playing dress up, or make pretend scenes, building amazing forts. What happened from then until we became adults?
As adults you get to this point where you either have it or you don't. You can draw a picture or you can’t. We are all born creative and with big imaginations. Everyone was born with that creative spark.
But the thing you can lack with being creative is patience and taking the time. Or taking a risk of putting yourself out there. Our capacity to learn is incredible, but motivation, concentration and time, as well as forgiving ourselves for the attempts and failures is the biggest obstacle to overcome. For my art there are never any mistakes or failures as long as you have the insight, patience and motivation. Take the step and tap into your creative genius.